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T&A Consultores 08.07.2021

Requirements: - Locals, living in the requested city/ country: Oranjestad, Aruba (no matter nationality) - Discreet and sharp-eyed person - Reliable and organized - Easy to contact by digital channels ... - English language required - 30 years on Description: Mystery shopper program. We are looking for a person interested in conducting mystery shopping tasks (remotely or in-person) to learn about customer experience. We offer: - Training for task management and survey filling. - Fee in USD

T&A Consultores 04.07.2021

Requirements: - Locals, living in the requested city/ country: Gustavia, Saint Barthelemy (no matter nationality) - Discreet and sharp-eyed person - Reliable and organized - Easy to contact by digital channels ... - French language required Description: Mystery shopper program. We are looking for a person interested in conducting mystery shopping tasks (remotely or in-person) to learn about customer experience. We offer: - Training for task management and survey filling. - Fee in USD

T&A Consultores 17.06.2021

Requirements: - Locals, living in the requested city/ country: Hamilton, Bermudas (no matter nationality) - Discreet and sharp-eyed person - Reliable and organized - Easy to contact by digital channels ... Description: Mystery shopper program. We are looking for a person interested in conducting mystery shopping tasks (remotely or in-person) to learn about customer experience. We offer: - Training for task management and survey filling. - Fee in USD

T&A Consultores 29.05.2021

Requerimientos: Persona discreta, responsable y organizada Fácil de contactar por canales digitales Descripción:... Proyecto Mystery (Cliente Incógnito) Se requiere visitar un punto de venta en Las flores (provincia de Buenos Aires) para evaluar la atención de los asesores y completar un cuestionario con la información recolectada. Ofrecemos: Capacitación con instructivo y cuestionario con las preguntas a responder. Dirección, horarios y teléfonos del punto de venta a visitar. Oportunidad de participar en otras tareas. Honorario en efectivo.

T&A Consultores 19.05.2021

Requirements: - Locals, living in the requested city/ country: Nassau, Bahamas (no matter nationality) - Discreet and sharp-eyed person - Reliable and organized - Easy to contact by digital channels ... Description: Mystery shopper program. We are looking for a person interested in conducting mystery shopping tasks (remotely or in-person) to learn about customer experience. We offer: - Training for task management and survey filling. - Fee in USD

T&A Consultores 11.05.2021

Requirements: - Locals, living in the requested city/ country: Providenciales, Turks & Caicos (no matter nationality) - Discreet and sharp-eyed person - Reliable and organized - Easy to contact by digital channels ... Description: Mystery shopper program. We are looking for a person interested in conducting mystery shopping tasks (remotely or in-person) to learn about customer experience. We offer: - Training for task management and survey filling. - Fee in USD


Teléfono: +54 11 4029-5763

Ubicación: Av Del Libertador 4980 Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web: http://www.tyaconsultores.com

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