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Chaos Music 13.07.2021

Instagram is one of the most popular and used social networks today. It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and today it is one of the most downloaded apps of all time. Since its first version, it had several updates, so now we can make video calls, buy, sell and much more. #Instagram is one of our favorite social networks, as we can be on this platform for several hours during the day and on multiple occasions. You see the #stories of your friends, upload photos, c...omment or like the photos you like. So, if you are still wondering if your brand should be on Instagram, the number of monthly active users should be enough to make a decision. Instagram users spend an average of 53 minutes per day in the app, according to the Annual Study of Social Networks. Time spent on Instagram is important because the more time #people spend on the app, the more ads they see and the more #opportunities they have to get to know your brand. Latin America is among the places with the highest number of users, even though there are other countries on other continents that have a greater number of inhabitants. Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia are the 4 countries that are within the list of the 20 with the largest number of users worldwide. #buenosaires #argentina #tech #quees #sharingknowledge #compartiendohistorias #B2B #B2C #clients #negocios

Chaos Music 06.07.2021

Women and innovation. The key to achieving better results. The digital revolution stopped being a promise to become a reality accelerated exponentially by the pandemic. The jobs linked to it will be the most demanded and the best paying, at least, for the next few decades. That women reach spaces that were historically thought or mostly occupied by men - is fundamental, in all areas not only in science. The more women interested in working in science, technology, engineering,... and mathematics, the more they can serve as role models for the next generation. Here is the key point: generate greater opportunities. Girls who know a woman who plays a role in any of these areas are likely to feel more identified with or encouraged to pursue these types of careers. Argentina can create two million jobs linked to tech and science industry by 2025. This opens a huge window of opportunity, not only for the country's economy, but essentially for its social development. In turn, promoting the inclusion of diverse profiles in the technological field is as important as promoting technological accessibility. . . . #argentina #buenosaires #workfromhome #worklifebalance #followerandia #thisischaosmusic #iamkarlajacqueline #karlayackueleneparionaromero @followerandia @thisischaosmusic @iamkarlajacqueline

Chaos Music 16.06.2021

En estos días, el equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal puede parecer imposible. La tecnología hace que los trabajadores estén accesibles las 24 horas del día. El miedo a perder el empleo incentiva el aumento de horas. De hecho, un enorme 94% de los profesionales que trabajan informó que trabajaba más de 50 horas por semana y casi la mitad dijo que trabajaba más de 65 horas por semana en una encuesta reciente. Los expertos están de acuerdo: el estrés agravado de la jorn...ada laboral interminable es perjudicial. Puede dañar las relaciones, la salud y la felicidad en general. El equilibrio entre la vida personal y laboral significa algo diferente para cada individuo. Muchos de los que superan el rendimiento desarrollan tendencias perfeccionistas a una edad temprana cuando las demandas de su tiempo se limitan a la escuela, pasatiempos y tal vez un trabajo después de la escuela. Es más fácil mantener ese hábito perfeccionista cuando eres niño, pero a medida que creces, la vida se vuelve más complicada. A medida que sube la escalera en el trabajo y crece su familia, se agregan responsabilidades. La clave para evitar el agotamiento es dejar de lado el perfeccionismo. A medida que la vida se expande, es muy difícil, tanto neurológica como psicológicamente, mantener ese hábito de perfección. La opción más saludable es luchar no por la perfección, sino por la excelencia. . . . #argentina #buenosaires #workfromhome #worklifebalance #followerandia #thisischaosmusic #iamkarlajacqueline #karlayackueleneparionaromero @followerandia @thisischaosmusic @iamkarlajacqueline

Chaos Music 01.06.2021

HR should stop asking stupid questions like "Why do you want to work here?" "What is your greatest weakness?" "What would your last boss say about you?" or "Why should we hire you?" They are bad questions because: - The candidate doesn't yet know if he wants the job. The candidate came to the interview to learn more. You wouldn't want the candidate to ask you "Why do you want to hire me?" - Its weakness is only an opinion, it's not a scientific fact. Even if one has weaknesse...s, why would they be important? You're not going to share your flaws as a company, so don't ask for theirs. - Many managers are incredible leaders and many are terrible at their jobs. Just because someone is a boss doesn't mean their opinion is relevant. HR should be focusing on questions that really mater, like: - What interests you about the job? (By the way, this is what we liked about your resume) - How do you think your background and talents suit this job? - What else would you like to know about the job? - How would this job advance your professional growth? . . . #chaosmusic #thisischaosmusic #followerandia #buenosaires #argentina #iamkarlajacqueline #karlayackueleneparionaromero @thisischaosmusic @followerandia @iamkarlajacqueline

Chaos Music 18.05.2021

Cuando entiendes que todo lo que te dice tu presidente es pura mentira y no le importas en absoluto...Pero el problema es la gente! Son todos los argentinos que dejan que los políticos jueguen con el país y su gente. Únicamente por el miedo que tienen los argentinos el poder presidencial parasito existe. En un país donde los políticos realmente desean cuidar de sus ciudadanos - Habrá trabajo, comida y salarios dignos. Paz y tranquilidad. El presidente sabe que la gente es ...estúpida y lo aprovecha. Y la gente siempre busca a quien culpar, cuando la culpa está donde menos la esperas. Ahora mismo es el momento de cambiar el país. Hazlo tu. Nadie resolverá tus problemas. Cámbialo tu, porque tienes todo lo que necesitas para hacerlo! No dejes que te sigan vendiendo sueños!!! (Oleksandr Danylenko) #argentina #buenosaires #politicos #politics #argentinaparaargentinos #corrupcion #politicosinutiles #argentinacontralacorrupcion


Teléfono: +54 11 6401-6493

Web: https://chaosmusic.org

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