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Master Mariner Surveyor SRL 03.06.2021

#HoseTest #bulkcarrier #marineSurveys #Argentina #rosarioPort

Master Mariner Surveyor SRL 22.05.2021

#lifeatsea #marineSurveyor #bulkcarrier #recalada

Master Mariner Surveyor SRL 05.05.2021

Most commented that#ultrasnonictest of hatch covers is far more reliable and practicable. What do you think? We actually offer our clients the two options. So, Here are some photos of an ultrasonic test we did in#sanlorenzoport, Argentina.

Master Mariner Surveyor SRL 18.04.2021

This week, we are very pleased to host the Instagram of Wista International Follow us!

Master Mariner Surveyor SRL 07.04.2021

Unions' strike in Argentina affecting most ports continue.. Ph taken at San Lorenzo roads, full of vessels waiting.


Teléfono: 011 4624-4574

Web: http://www.mastersurveyor.com.ar

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