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Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 23.09.2020

A tu ritmo, a tus tiempos, a tus posibilidades, pero SIEMPRE muévete

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 21.09.2020

LEVATOR SCAPULAE MUSCLE RELATED NECK PAIN The Levator Scapulae muscles are located on either side of the neck. They originate on the four upper vertebrae of t...he cervical spine (neck) and insert, or attach, to the scapula, also known as the shoulder blade at the superior, medial border. These two muscles are involved in elevation, downward rotation and abduction of the scapulae. They are also involved in flexion and extension of the cervical spine(neck), turning of the neck slightly left and right, along with side bending of the neck left and right. When you wake up in the morning with a crick in your neck, feel a burning pain on the top inner corner of your shoulder blade, or have trouble turning your head to look behind you while driving etc., the culprit may be a Levator Scapula muscle in spasm. The pain can be described as a throbbing, ache, or tightness, and usually presents from the top inner corner of the shoulder blade up along the neck. What Causes Levator Scapula Spasm / Trigger Points? A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in that area and/or other parts of the body. The trigger points are shown above as two dark red circles, with the pain referral area also shaded in. Muscle spasm is a tightening of a muscle usually, due to overuse or overstress. It can in itself cause pain and loss of mobility. The following events and activities are likely to activate, or reactivate, tension / pain and trigger points in the levator scapulae. - whiplash from an automobile accident - sleeping on the stomach with the head turned/or sleeping in an odd position - chilling of the muscle during sleep from an air conditioner or draft from an open window - working at a computer with the head turned for long periods - holding a phone between the shoulder and ear - carrying a heavy bag with a shoulder strap - use of crutches that are too tall and elevate the shoulder - emotional and mental stress - Working with your arms raised above your head for prolonged periods of time can also irritate the Levator Scapula. To help reduce neck pain, stabilize your shoulder blade when you raise your arm. - poor posture with a forward head position puts this muscle under continuous strain causing overuse. Usually the condition settles after a few days if it is only a once off. Proper hands-on deep tissue massage and dry needling, when used together, can be great to settle the condition either in the short term, or if the condition has become more chronic. Also for the long term, correcting posture, stretching and strengthening of the upper back(particularly middle / lower traps, serratus posterior, rhomboids etc.) and the neck muscles(specifically the posterior neck muscles) can help prevent the condition from returning. Posture is key to a healthy neck and spine. Try and sit up straight on a comfortable supportive chair, when at work or at home, allowing the shoulders to relax by using the arm rests of the chair. When at a computer, pull the screen close and try to get it up to eye level (say using books underneath it), so your head doesn’t have to be coming forward. The same applies when driving a car. Pull the seat in close to the steering wheel(within reason),and try to position yourself so the shoulders are relaxed and the head isn’t jutting forward. Activities like reading in bed, playing computer games for hours etc. can really tighten up the levator muscles and are a disaster for thoracic and cervical posture in the long term.

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 20.09.2020

LEVATOR SCAPULAE MUSCLE RELATED NECK PAIN The Levator Scapulae muscles are located on either side of the neck. They originate on the four upper vertebrae of t...he cervical spine (neck) and insert, or attach, to the scapula, also known as the shoulder blade at the superior, medial border. These two muscles are involved in elevation, downward rotation and abduction of the scapulae. They are also involved in flexion and extension of the cervical spine(neck), turning of the neck slightly left and right, along with side bending of the neck left and right. When you wake up in the morning with a crick in your neck, feel a burning pain on the top inner corner of your shoulder blade, or have trouble turning your head to look behind you while driving etc., the culprit may be a Levator Scapula muscle in spasm. The pain can be described as a throbbing, ache, or tightness, and usually presents from the top inner corner of the shoulder blade up along the neck. What Causes Levator Scapula Spasm / Trigger Points? A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in that area and/or other parts of the body. The trigger points are shown above as two dark red circles, with the pain referral area also shaded in. Muscle spasm is a tightening of a muscle usually, due to overuse or overstress. It can in itself cause pain and loss of mobility. The following events and activities are likely to activate, or reactivate, tension / pain and trigger points in the levator scapulae. - whiplash from an automobile accident - sleeping on the stomach with the head turned/or sleeping in an odd position - chilling of the muscle during sleep from an air conditioner or draft from an open window - working at a computer with the head turned for long periods - holding a phone between the shoulder and ear - carrying a heavy bag with a shoulder strap - use of crutches that are too tall and elevate the shoulder - emotional and mental stress - Working with your arms raised above your head for prolonged periods of time can also irritate the Levator Scapula. To help reduce neck pain, stabilize your shoulder blade when you raise your arm. - poor posture with a forward head position puts this muscle under continuous strain causing overuse. Usually the condition settles after a few days if it is only a once off. Proper hands-on deep tissue massage and dry needling, when used together, can be great to settle the condition either in the short term, or if the condition has become more chronic. Also for the long term, correcting posture, stretching and strengthening of the upper back(particularly middle / lower traps, serratus posterior, rhomboids etc.) and the neck muscles(specifically the posterior neck muscles) can help prevent the condition from returning. Posture is key to a healthy neck and spine. Try and sit up straight on a comfortable supportive chair, when at work or at home, allowing the shoulders to relax by using the arm rests of the chair. When at a computer, pull the screen close and try to get it up to eye level (say using books underneath it), so your head doesn’t have to be coming forward. The same applies when driving a car. Pull the seat in close to the steering wheel(within reason),and try to position yourself so the shoulders are relaxed and the head isn’t jutting forward. Activities like reading in bed, playing computer games for hours etc. can really tighten up the levator muscles and are a disaster for thoracic and cervical posture in the long term.

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 11.09.2020

RELATIONSHIP OF SCIATIC NERVE TO PIRIFORMIS (A) The sciatic nerve usually emerges from the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis. (B) In 12.2% o...f 640 limbs studied by Dr. J. C. B. Grant, the sciatic nerve divided before exiting the greater sciatic foramen; the common fibular division (yellow) passed through the piriformis. (C) In 0.5% of cases, the common fibular division passed superior to the muscles where it is especially vulnerable to injury during intragluteal injections. See more

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 01.09.2020

RELATIONSHIP OF SCIATIC NERVE TO PIRIFORMIS (A) The sciatic nerve usually emerges from the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis. (B) In 12.2% o...f 640 limbs studied by Dr. J. C. B. Grant, the sciatic nerve divided before exiting the greater sciatic foramen; the common fibular division (yellow) passed through the piriformis. (C) In 0.5% of cases, the common fibular division passed superior to the muscles where it is especially vulnerable to injury during intragluteal injections. See more

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 27.08.2020

MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE LOWER JAW In anatomical terminology, chewing is called mastication. Muscles involved in chewing must be able to exert enough pressure to... bite through and then chew food before it is swallowed. The masseter muscle is the main muscle used for chewing because it elevates the mandible (lower jaw) to close the mouth, and it is assisted by the temporalis muscle, which retracts the mandible. You can feel the temporalis move by putting your fingers to your temple as you chew. Although the masseter and temporalis are responsible for elevating and closing the jaw to break food into digestible pieces, the medial pterygoi and lateral pterygoid muscles provide assistance in chewing and moving food within the mouth. DID YOU KNOW? The strongest muscle based on its weight is the masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars.

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 19.08.2020

MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE LOWER JAW In anatomical terminology, chewing is called mastication. Muscles involved in chewing must be able to exert enough pressure to... bite through and then chew food before it is swallowed. The masseter muscle is the main muscle used for chewing because it elevates the mandible (lower jaw) to close the mouth, and it is assisted by the temporalis muscle, which retracts the mandible. You can feel the temporalis move by putting your fingers to your temple as you chew. Although the masseter and temporalis are responsible for elevating and closing the jaw to break food into digestible pieces, the medial pterygoi and lateral pterygoid muscles provide assistance in chewing and moving food within the mouth. DID YOU KNOW? The strongest muscle based on its weight is the masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars.

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 15.08.2020

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE VS. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY What is Craniosacral Therapy? Craniosacral therapy is a method of alternative medicine used by massage therapists,... naturopaths, chiropractors and osteopaths, who manually apply a subtle movement of the spinal and cranial bones to bring the central nervous system into harmony. This therapy involves assessing and addressing the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which can be restricted by trauma to the body, such as through falls, accidents, and general nervous tension. By gently working with the spine, the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia, the restrictions of nerve passages are eased, the movement of CSF through the spinal cord can be optimized, and misaligned bones can be restored to their proper position. This therapy is said to be particularly useful for mental stress, neck and back pain, migraines, TMJ Syndrome, and for chronic nervous conditions such as fibromyalgia. What is Myofascial Release? Myofascial Release is a gentle therapy that consists of a mixture of light stretching and massage work. During a session, the therapist will apply hands-on massage strokes in order to release tension from the bands of the muscles, bones, nerves and joints, by unblocking any scar tissue or adhesions due to injury in the muscles and surrounding tissues. The theory of myofascial release requires an understanding of the fascial system (or connective tissue, which is not to be confused with the word facial). The fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Let's educate our clients too. Share this post with them if you think they will benefit from this knowledge.

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 12.08.2020

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE VS. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY What is Craniosacral Therapy? Craniosacral therapy is a method of alternative medicine used by massage therapists,... naturopaths, chiropractors and osteopaths, who manually apply a subtle movement of the spinal and cranial bones to bring the central nervous system into harmony. This therapy involves assessing and addressing the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which can be restricted by trauma to the body, such as through falls, accidents, and general nervous tension. By gently working with the spine, the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia, the restrictions of nerve passages are eased, the movement of CSF through the spinal cord can be optimized, and misaligned bones can be restored to their proper position. This therapy is said to be particularly useful for mental stress, neck and back pain, migraines, TMJ Syndrome, and for chronic nervous conditions such as fibromyalgia. What is Myofascial Release? Myofascial Release is a gentle therapy that consists of a mixture of light stretching and massage work. During a session, the therapist will apply hands-on massage strokes in order to release tension from the bands of the muscles, bones, nerves and joints, by unblocking any scar tissue or adhesions due to injury in the muscles and surrounding tissues. The theory of myofascial release requires an understanding of the fascial system (or connective tissue, which is not to be confused with the word facial). The fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Let's educate our clients too. Share this post with them if you think they will benefit from this knowledge.

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 08.08.2020

Salió también un octaedro , relacionado con el aire, con el chakra garganta, con el azul... Y de él un decaedro de triángulos regulares ... Ni idea como se llama, pero quiso existir en mi mesa, pentágonos por todos lados. . . .... #geometriasagrada #octaedro #armonizacion #aire #masajeholistico #healing #geometry @ Masaje Tradicional Tailandés See more

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 20.07.2020

La energía organiza la materia. El movimiento y el flujo de la energía siguen patrones espiralados, helicoidales, armónicos. Así también en nuestro cuerpo podemos recorrer las líneas de fuerza, las cadenas musculares y sistemas energéticos más sutiles que se desarrollan siguiendo estos patrones. Cuando nos cerramos, el movimiento describe una espiral que se aprieta. Cuando expandimos y nos abrimos, como una flor , el movimiento es también en espiral. Eso buscamos al elo...ngar para liberar bloqueos y contracturas. Respetamos el sentido de nuestras fibras, en espiral. . . . . #thaimassage #sacredgeometry #spyro #elicoide #cadenasmusculares #cuerpoenergetico #toroide #auric #proporcionaurea #armonizacion #masajethai #whirpool #remolino @ Villa Urquiza See more

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 04.07.2020

Saliendo amablemente de esta larga pausa. Espero tu consulta. . .... . . #masajethai #thaimassage #masajetailandes #masajeholístico #sanacion #sanacionholistica #descontracturante #relax #yoga #yogathai #elongacion #presencia #conexion #meditacion See more

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 22.06.2020

Pronto esta cuarantena pasará . Todo pasa algún día! Mientras tanto seguimos aprovechando el tiempo para conocernos más habitar el cuerpo. A escuchar las sensaciones ...

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 08.06.2020

El éter.... Sólidos platónicos el dodecaedro está asociado al sexto chakra. Mirando con el alma esa mirada que ama todo lo que ve... #dodecaedro #sacredgeometry #ether #violeta #pentagon #thirdeye

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 25.05.2020

PAIN CAUSED BY STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID What SCM Pain or Sternocleidomastoid Muscle? The SCM or the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle is one of the largest muscles of the... neck. This muscle is divided into two parts. It begins at the skull just behind the ears. From there, it forms two parts of which one attaches to the sternum or the breastbone and the other attaches to the clavicle or the collar bone. SCM or the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle is located just underneath the skin and can be visualized when moving the neck completely to one side. Since an individual moves the neck and the shoulders many times during the day hence this muscle is used extensively by the body. This makes it prone to overuse and this results in what we call as SCM Pain or the Sternocleidomastoid Pain. Putting stress to these muscles, having abnormal sitting posture, or sudden movements of the neck or shoulder like in a motor vehicle accident can cause SCM Pain or Sternocleidomastoid Pain. What are the Pain Patterns of SCM Pain or Sternocleidomastoid Pain? When we speak of SCM Pain or Sternocleidomastoid Pain, it becomes important to understand the pain patterns of it as the SCM muscle is divided into two parts and both parts have different pain patterns. Pain in the Sternal Part of SCM or the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle: The sternal division of the SCM or the Sternocleidomastoid muscle may cause pain to the cheek which can be mistaken for a case of trigeminal neuralgia which is a condition in which a nerve irritation causes intense facial pain. In some cases, there may be pain to the breast bone. It can also cause pain deep in the eye resembling pain from sinusitis. It can cause pain in the tongue when swallowing food

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 20.05.2020

Realizando la formación de Reprocesamiento Energético Transpersonal , aprendiendo herramientas de escucha e integración energética sanadora. Expandiendo los campos energéticos y sanando. #Ret #sanacion #escucha #chakras #sanacionholistica #masajealmico #alma #soul #aura #cuerpomente #senticuerpomente #asientodelalma #geometriasagrada #hara #tantien #presenciaplena #armonizacion #mindfullness

Masaje Tradicional Tailandés 04.05.2020

Primera estrella de Merkabah. Dos tetraedros entrecruzados. #merkabah #geometriasagrada #tetraedro #campodeenergia #cieloytierra #vehiculo #armonia #union #sacredgeometry


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