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Peach Time for English 03.10.2020

We get lots of questions about how to practise and improve speaking skills, so check out these tips and tricks to help you! #learnenglish #english

Peach Time for English 23.09.2020

What's the Weather Like in Your Country?

Peach Time for English 17.09.2020

Should grammar matter as much when we speak as it does when we write? Here are two very different takes on the matter:

Peach Time for English 02.09.2020

While the English alphabet has just 5 vowels, British English has around 20 contrasting vowel sounds. Can you and your students distinguish them all? Here’s a quiz to find out! http://bit.ly/Quiz-VowelPronunication Ann :-) #Pronunciation

Peach Time for English 30.08.2020

No es solo la película más famosa del momento. Es también una expresión que solo los que hablen INGLÉS entenderán. :)

Peach Time for English 16.08.2020

Learning a language has a lot of benefits, including making you more tolerant. Read more: http://wef.ch/2hKns0Y Source: The Conversation

Peach Time for English 05.08.2020

8 Phrasal Verbs with PUT

Peach Time for English 12.06.2020

Human Sounds in English


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