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T'ai Chi Ch'uan el Centro de las artes culturales 30.09.2020

de : Martin Inn traduccion: Francisco Laferriere PORTALES A LA FUENTE Cuando estudiamos un arte o disciplina clásica china, queremos estar seguros de que estamos recibiendo la información más auténtica o directa de la fuente para que podamos directamente practicar la disciplina al mejor y más alto nivel. Esto, siempre ha sido una tradición china. Con respecto al T'ai Chi, aquellos que han tenido la suerte de haber estudiado con el Prof. Cheng, han tenido la oportunidad de t...Continue reading

T'ai Chi Ch'uan el Centro de las artes culturales 22.09.2020

From Martin Inn PORTALES A LA FUENTE Cuando estudiamos un arte o disciplina clásica china, queremos estar seguros de que estamos recibiendo la información más auténtica o directa de la fuente para que podamos directamente practicar la disciplina al mejor y más alto nivel. Esto, siempre ha sido una tradición china. Con respecto al T'ai Chi, aquellos que han tenido la suerte de haber estudiado con el Prof. Cheng, han tenido la oportunidad de tener un linaje directo con Yang Che...Continue reading

T'ai Chi Ch'uan el Centro de las artes culturales 12.09.2020

Professor Cheng Man Ching teaching sword dueling at the Shr Jung school. "Professor Cheng and Tam Gibbs were the best that I dueled with. Tam was so soft, and I... was so stiff. I wasn't much of a work out for him. I couldn't stick him or slice him but Tam could stick and slice me at will, but was always polite, stopping his sword short of my body, or running his sword gently in front of me. We both knew he'd won. He didn't need to rub it in. While a sword in Tam’s hand was very soft, Professor’s sword was like smoke. The tip of his sword pointed at me and I could push his sword out of my way, but somehow, and at the end of my move, the point of the sword was still there staring me in the face. His hand holding his sword hilt, was off to the side, where I apparently had pushed it. Then I'd push his sword the other way, and still, there it was, the tip in my face. I had no sense of resistance as I tried to move his sword, it just went...Through it all, Professor was always smiling at me."- Sifu Bill Phillips, Excerpt from In The Presence Of Cheng Man Ching: My Life And Lessons With The Master Of Five Excellences. Pre-order In The Presence Of Cheng Man Ching on Amazon (also available Amazon UK, Japan, Europe) or from your local bookseller: https://www.amazon.com/Presence-Cheng-Man-Chin//0648283127 "William C. Phillips, a devoted student and master teacher with over fifty years experience, takes us on a journey into his lifetime in the martial arts and in particular, his lessons and experiences with the Master Of Five Excellences, the incomparable Cheng Man-Ch'ing, the master who brought tai chi to the West in the 1960s." Photo credit: William C Phillips. See more


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