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Astro Economic Cycles 20.10.2021

2020 ELECTION: CLASS STRUGGLE IN MODERN TIMES The 2020 election, the most scandalous and contentious in the U.S. history, is not about Biden and Trump, nor is it about Democrats and Republicans. These two men and two political parties are just the symbols of the CLASS STRUGGLE involving billions of people around the globe. This class struggle became more acute all over the world under the influence of Pluto/Eris square (90) associated with riots, revolutions and civil wars, ...Continue reading

Astro Economic Cycles 03.10.2021

POST-ELECTION VIOLENCE There has been a significant rise in violence in mid-November due to Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Eris forming stressful aspects to the U.S. Ascendant, while Mercury, Uranus and the Nodeto the U.S. Mars. Fortunately for the U.S., most of the violence was taking place in Ethiopia, Western Europe, Belarus, Georgia and Armenia. There were several mass protests in the U.S., but they result only in few incidents of violence. The next spike in violence will occur from November 30 December 5. In this period, the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Eris will be forming stressful aspects to the U.S. Ascendant and Pluto. Mass demonstrations will take place in the U.S. This post an abbreviated version of article posted on http://astroeconomiccycles.com/american-second-civil-war.

Astro Economic Cycles 22.09.2021

CORONAVIRUS: AN ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST FOR THE U.S. Since December 2019, my formula of coronavirus pandemic worked with mathematical precision. This is what I posted a month or two ago: With Jupiter and Saturn moving towards their conjunction, the second wave may start at the end of August, and the number of daily new cases will be rising through mid-November. Fortunately, this rise will not be as steep as in March-April. Most likely, the highest number of the new case will b...e registered on or close to November 15. I still stand by my previous forecast that Starting from mid-November through mid-January, the number of the daily new cases will slowly decline. In January, the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will no longer be in effect resulting in the epidemic rapidly winding down. In March, Uranus and Neptune will exit their semi-square, and the pandemic will end in most of the world by April. This is an abbreviation of my article posted on http://astroeconomiccycles.com/coronavirus-pandemic-astrolo. . See more

Astro Economic Cycles 14.09.2021

AMERICAN SECOND CIVIL WAR? Will the current Cold Civil War between the Republicans and Democrats deteriorate into a shooting war? No, it will not, and here is why: Eris and Triple Conjunction In 2020, Eris, a newly discovered planet the size of Pluto associated with civil wars, formed a square to the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This planetary influence caused a monumental cultural shift worldwide. First the coronavirus pandemic shut down most of the wor...Continue reading

Astro Economic Cycles 06.09.2021

WILL PRESIDENT TRUMP RECOVER FROM CORONAVIRUS? On October 1, 2020, Trump tested positive for the Coronavirus. Will he recover fast enough to repeat the miracle of 2016 in 2020 and Make America Great Again for four more years? Will the most admired and at the same time most hated president in the U.S. history besides Lincoln survive this Chinese Plague? The timing of Trump testing positive for Coronavirus infection is not accidental. In fact, I predicted that he would be ...Continue reading

Astro Economic Cycles 29.08.2021

To all my Facebook friends, Jewish and Gentiles alike. Happy Rosh H'ashana, which is Jewish New Lunar Year. This Jewish New Year coincides with a historic triple conjunction between Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This conjunction is bringing to life a new cycle that will last for about 30 years. There are always difficulties in the beginning, and 2020 is no different. Nevertheless, no matter who wins the election, or even if the election never takes place, we are up to a much better world in 2022-31. Trust the Wheel of Time!

Astro Economic Cycles 13.08.2021

WEST COST FIRES may have been caused by the stationary Mars forming a square to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, while also forming a conjunction to Eris-Xena. The fire in Beirut started under Mars/Jupiter square, which may indicate that these fires will continue burning thru the beginning of October as long as the mentioned aspects are at place. There is a possibility that at least some of the fires have been started intentionally due to the influence of Eris, which stands for discord, civil strife and war preparations. Let's hope that I am wrong.

Astro Economic Cycles 25.07.2021

ELECTION CIVIL UNREST Historically, the current planetary aspects point to a high level of civil unrest worldwide in November-January. A full-scale civil war in the U.S. is highly unlikely though. And here is why: Eris-Xena will be within 1.5 degree of its square to Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in November. It will be forming this 1.5-degree square to Pluto alone in December-January. At the same time, all the three will be forming stressful aspects to the crucial points in the U.S. chart. In January-February Jupiter/Saturn conjunction will square Uranus with all three forming a T-square to the U.S. Nodes.

Astro Economic Cycles 18.07.2021

The level of violence in the world is very likely to rise during Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Eris and Pluto T-square from September 21 thru September 25. The U.S. will be affected as well since all these planets will be forming stressful aspects to the most stressful configuration in the U.S. chart involving the Ascendant, Ceres, Mercury and Pluto. Fortunately, the Lunar Nodes forming harmonious aspects to these planets will soften the impact.

Astro Economic Cycles 16.07.2021

A few days ago, India, Japan and Australia created an economic alliance to make India a manufacturing hub of the world that will compete with China. Financial incentives are offered to companies that will relocate from China to India. This alliance was formed under the triple conjunction between Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, the beginning of a 33-year cycle. Considering the fact that many companies have already relocated from China to other countries of Southeast Asia, the forma...tion of this alliance may be an indication that China's ambitious plans to rule the world will never come to fruition. It also indicates that China's influence upon the world will never be any greater that it was during Neptune/Pluto septile in 1997-2016. This new Era of Globalization that began in 1989 and will last for more than 800 years will not be Chinese Era. Instead, it will be multi-centrerd and global. for more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMMKe04mcAA See more

Astro Economic Cycles 13.07.2021

Trump could have stopped all these protests in 15 minutes. In one of his speeches at the end of May, he even said something like that these protests will win him the election. The Democrats could have stopped the protests in one day, but they also want the street violence to continue, so they may dispute the unfavorable election results. They same might be true for the Republicans. Astrologically, its the influence of the twins, Eris and Mars, in square to the triple conjunction in Capricorn. Under the influence of Capricorn, Eris, the Goddess of violent rage, become Zina, a warrior Princess and an organizer of highly targeted and well organized violence. In a few days, the Sun will semi-square Eris, Pluto, Mars and Saturn. We may expect the highest degree of violence in the States and also in Belarus, Libya and Israel.

Astro Economic Cycles 24.06.2021

The U.S. Presidential Election is getting nastier daily, while both parties are trying to use all the means in their disposal to win regardless to the cost to the citizens. Naturally, it is important to vote, but let's not deceive ourselves. Pluto return to the place it occupied during the Independence War in the 1770s combined with Uranus/Neptune semi-square and Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto triple conjunction will not allow to "Keep America Great." Neither will the planetary influen...ces allow Biden's "Bold Agenda" of racial equality and environmental justice to be fulfilled. The times of America's greatness has ended in the 1990s, and no future president could bring it back. Besides, it is not the next president or Congress who will decide America's and the world's fate, but the international mega corporations. Their political power is growing rapidly, and even now very fewif anycan be elected without their political contributions. Nevertheless, do not cry for the dying democracy. Neptune/Pluto sextile in 2022-35, will ensure that the world of the future will be more peaceful and prosperous than ever before. To read more, log on www.astroeconomiccycles.com. Click on Who Rules the World Realy? See more

Astro Economic Cycles 10.06.2021

There was an obvious rise in violence and political instability in recent days caused by the influence of Mars/Pluto square in semi-square to Ceres. This was especially visible in Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Lebanon. Two new potentially explosive elements were added. The French navy arrived the East Mediterranean Sea where it may potentially clash with the Turkish navy. Meanwhile in the U.S., anti BLM protests are gaining momentum, and the election campaigns are get...ting nastier by the hour. Fortunately, mass protests with up to 200,000 people participating and governments' actions to suppress them have resulted in only few death. This may point to the likelihood that this Mars station will produce only a show, but will not end up in real shooting war, civil or otherwise. Nevertheless, watch out for Mercury and Sun semi-square to the triple conjunction in Capricorn from August 25 thru September 8. See more

Astro Economic Cycles 03.06.2021

The peace treaty between Israel and UAE was signed in the beginning of a new Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto cycle, which indicates that this event will lead to peace treaties between Israel and other countries in the region that will take at least 33 years to complete. However, it was signed during Mars (war) conjunction to Eris (chaotic rage), and this conjunction was in square to Pluto (death and transformation) while to semi-square to Ceres (land). So, SOME MEASURE OF COOPERATION WILL BE ACHIEVED, BUT IT WILL BE ACCOMPANIED BY VIOLENCE AND CHANGING NATIONAL BOUNDRIES.


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Web: http://astroeconomiccycles.com/

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